Quoting dino d. <dinodorr...@yahoo.com>:
> hi -
> i have strings that i need to extract keywords from.  the string might
> have html tags, urls, etc.  i need to extract the keywords from the
> string.  i imagine i'm not the first guy to have to tackle this
> problem.  is there a gem i can use or anyone have any ideas how to
> approach this?

More detail needed about the keywords.  The simple case is keywords regardless
of context, separated by whitespace.

KEYWORDS = %{if else then end case when do def}

str = "if true then false else true end"
str.split.find_all{|s| KEYWORDS.include?(s)}

irb(main):006:0> KEYWORDS = %{if else then end case when do def}
=> "if else then end case when do def"
irb(main):007:0> str = "if true then false else true end"
=> "if true then false else true end"
irb(main):008:0> str.split.find_all{|s| KEYWORDS.include?(s)}
=> ["if", "then", "else", "end"]

If you need to exclude keywords inside strings, URLs, etc. the solution is
more complex.


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