Okay!  I got the pagination links to work. Now I need them to display in 
the same div where the first results go, without reloading a page and 
discarding my layout.

I had to:
map.resources :dictated_exams, :collection => {:filter_widget => :get}

<%= will_paginate dictated_exams, :params => {:date => date} %>

index.html.erb, the observe_field:
:url  => {:action => 'filter_widget', :controller => 'dictated_exams',
          :method => :post },

  def filter_widget
      @date ||= params[:date].to_date
      end_date = @date + 1.days
      dictated_exams = DictatedExam.search_one_day(@date, params[:page])
    render :partial => 'dictated_exams/list' , :locals =>
      { :dictated_exams => dictated_exams, :date => @date }

Now to get the results to display where I want them to display...
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