I have this:

def process_csv
    # First thing, clear "Imports" table of data
    @import = Import.find(:all)

    file = params[:import][:file]

    rowcount = 0

    Import.transaction do
                      :headers => true,
                      :header_converters => :symbol ) do |row|
        rowcount += 1

    flash[:notice] = "Successfully added #{rowcount} project(s)."

    redirect_to :action => :process_csv

  rescue => exception
    # If an exception in thrown, the transaction rolls back and we end 
up in this
    # rescue block
    error = ERB::Util.h(exception.to_s) # get the error and HTML escape 
    flash[:error] = "Error adding logs. (#{error}). Please try again."
    redirect_to :action => :index

When I do this I get this error...

"Error adding logs. (undefined method `destroy' for #<Array:0x241d1e0>). 
Please try again."

Any clues?



John Mcleod wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm using Ruby 1.8.6 and Rails 2.3.3.
> I'm new at Rails so bear with me, please.
> My application reads in a csv file to a staging (imports) table then
> compares the contents of the table to a main (projects) table. Then
> imports all non-repetitive rows to the main table.
> This application will be used periodically.
> I know how to import the csv data to a table.
> How do I delete all data prior to importing new data?
> Thank you for all help.
> JohnM

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