2009/8/27 RubyonRails_newbie <craigwest...@googlemail.com>:
> Hello all...
> I am on Chapter 4 of RailsSpace and I have hit a problem when it comes
> to linking in the document.
> To start with in an earlier chapter I created a page called site.rhtml
> which used these attributes:
> <%= link_to_unless_current "Home",               :action        => "index"  
> %>  |
>  <%= link_to_unless_current "About Us",         :action        => "about"  %> 
>  |
>  <%= link_to_unless_current "Help",             :action    => "help"   %>
> This is in the site class that was created (localhost:3000/site/index)
> All these links work a treat - basic i know, but all work in progress.
> NOw on Chapter 4, it's time to create a page to register users.
> I have a page now (localhost:3000/user/register)
> However, for some reason, the links no longer work, despite me
> updating the main file from site.rhtml to application.rhtml as the
> RailsSpace book suggests.
> If I am on the register page, and click 'help' I get the following:
> No action responded to help. Actions: index and register

Assuming I understand, you have a help link on the user/register page
as you have shown above on the site/index page.  Since in this link
you have specified only the action this will attempt to call that
action (help) on the current controller, ie user.  Since you have only
provided index and register actions you get the message shown.  Either
you must provide a help action on the user controller, or if you want
to call the help action on the site controller then specify
:controller => "site" in the link as well as the action.

Hope this helps


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