Use Math::PI; please use Google more often.

BTW, I hope you understand sin('#{lat}') is also wrong because of
multiple reasons - but if you don't, I should leave it to you to
figure out.


2009/9/16 prashanth hiremath <>
> Hi i am applying the formula to find the surrounding distance within 10 km 
> using ruby
> geokit
> x=((((acos(sin(('#{lat}'*pi()/180)) * 
> sin((`latitude`*pi()/180))+cos(('#{lat}'*pi()/180)) * 
> cos((`latitude`*pi()/180)) * cos((('#{lng}'- 
> `longitude`)*pi()/180))))*180/pi())*60*1.1515*1.609344) <= 10)
> NoMethodError: undefined method `pi' for main:Object
> Am getting this error help me to solve this.ANd morever i ma not connected to 
> any databse\
> Regsrda
> prashanth
> >

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