
Well, I finally had enough time to start work on it.
Let's start at the beginning.

I have to divs (imports and searchResults)
Now maybe I've changed this around a little but in the "imports" table I 
added a cell after each row with...

<td><%= link_to_remote "Find Matches", :update => "projects", :url => 
{:controller => 'projects', :action => 'search', :id => import.import_id 
}  %></td>

This triggers the search in the "Projects Controller" for which I search 
for similar unique import IDs.

def search
  import_id = params[:search]
  results = Project.search_by_irb_pi(import_id, params[:page])
  render :partial => 'imports/results', :locals => {:projects => 

In the Model, I have this...

def self.search_by_import_pi(search, page)
  paginate( :per_page => 10, :page => page,
            :conditions => ['import_id LIKE ?', "%#{search}%"],
            :order => 'import_id ASC, pi_full_name ASC')

The Ajax call works fine, but the query sent to the "projects" table 
looks like this...

 [0;1mSELECT * FROM "projects" WHERE (import_id LIKE '%%') ORDER BY 
irb_id ASC, pi_full_name ASC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0 [0m

This will return nothing of course.

Another problem is trying to display the results in the table in the 
"searchResults" div on the same page.

Thanks again


John Mcleod wrote:
> Whoa!  There's a lot to chew on there.
> First off, thank you for the reply.
> Let me chew, chew on this over the weekend and I'll let you know my
> progress on Monday.
> I've used wil_paginate before so that helps.
> Thanks again.
> John
> Aldric Giacomoni wrote:
>> Hang on to your shorts - I did something quite similar.
>> It's very simple, I have two models, each are a table in a different 
>> database, but when you get to Rails level, you don't care - it's just 
>> two models.
>> On the main page, I have two divs: patient and searchresults
>> Above the divs, I have a :
>> form_remote_tag :update => "patient", :url => { :action => "search" }
>> I use this to get a string (hint : text_field_tag is your friend)
>> My controller has, for the action "search", the following:
>>   def search
>>     name = params[:search]
>>     results = GMPatient.filter_by_name(name, params[:page])
>>     render :partial => 'shared/paginated_gm_patients',
>>       :locals => {:patients => results}
>>   end
>> What is "filter_by_name", you ask? Good question! I use the 
>> will-paginate gem. My model has the following:
>>   def self.filter_by_name(search, page)
>>     paginate :per_page => 20, :page => page,
>>     :conditions => ['displayed_name like ?', "%#{search}%"],
>>     :order => 'last ASC, first ASC'
>>   end
>> The '%' sign is my wildcard. So, now that I have the results, how do I 
>> display them?
>> It's your standard table, but here's the twist: I add a cell after the 
>> data I display, and here's what's in the cell:
>> <td><%= link_to_remote "Find matches", :update => "matches", :url => { 
>> :controller => "comparison", :action => "find_matches", :id => 
> ...

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