thanks for all the replies.  just to clarify my intent, i am
associating keywords with a set of documents, and the more times a
keyword is associated with particular document, the more it is
weighted as being relevant to that keyword, but it must be the exact
same keyword, that's why i do this: << b << b << b

so I was NOT asking for this: << b1 << b2 << b3

and when an association disappears, i want to remove one of the
associations and one only, b/c the cardinality of duplicate
associations is important for my app.  I explored the idea of an
increment counter, but then I have to add extra logic to the
controller or model.

So ultimately, I refactored to has_many :through, and now I can just
remove one of the has_many's.  I realize now, too, that this makes
more sense philisophically, as one of the intents of has_many :through
is to give the many an equal state as a bona fide model, whereas the
habtm is a cardinality-less association by design (that's my
conclusion any way).

thanks for all your help!


On Sep 17, 4:09 pm, Marnen Laibow-Koser <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-> wrote:
> Robert Walker wrote:
> [...]
> >> << b
> >> << b
> >> << b
> > This is somewhat unclear, but it appears from your code this is adding
> > the same b three times. So yes, if you did exactly as shown all three
> > association to that same b would be deleted.
> This appears to be what Dino was asking.
> > << b1
> > << b2
> > << b3
> > would properly delete only b2 and leaving b1 and b3.
> > This is expected behavior. The only thing I don't like about how Rails
> > handles this is that << will create copies of the same associations. So
> > I typically add a unique index across the two primary keys of the join
> > table to prevent duplicating associations.
> Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.  I tended to do that on join tables
> before I ever heard of Rails.
> > That being said, I also use
> > has_many :through in all cases (as Greg mentioned). I basically pretend
> > HABTM does not exist.
> This, on the other hand, makes no sense at all to me.  For a simple
> habtm, nothing at all is gained by using has_many :through instead.  If
> you outgrow the simple habtm, refactoring to has_many at that time is
> quick and easy.  I agree that habtm is very limited, but it's a nice
> shortcut where it works.  There's no reason to avoid it entirely.
> Best,
> --
> Marnen Laibow-Koser
> --
> Posted via
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