Maybe I'm just going about my application in the wrong way. I'm new
with rails and I'm trying to make sure that Child and Dog can only be
viewed my the person who creates them. That's how I ended up with
resources 3 deep. My resources are actually called User, Child and
Parent. User is also current_user (I use restful_authentication) and
all the resources are created by the current_user. My routes are basic
but are 3 resources deep: User > Child > Parent. So, I reference each
in my controllers by current_user.child and when I started trying to
access current_user.child.parent, things started to break because I
really don't know how to do this. I've read some articles that say
more then 1 level deep is not a good idea but I don't how to make sure
records aren't viewed by other users that they didn't create. I've
bought more book then I probably should and am getting frustrated.
Maybe my method of making sure records are not viewed by other users
is the wrong approach.

On Sep 18, 2:01 pm, Jeff <> wrote:
> On Sep 18, 10:49 am, mlittle <> wrote:
> > I have nested resources 2 levels deep and am having problems with the
> > controller of the deepest resource;
> > Parent > Child > Dog
> > The rails guide says this for the forms, which seems to work fine:
> > form_for [:parent, :child, @dog]
> > I have all the appropriate belong_to and has_many but I cannot figure
> > out how to do this in the dog controller:
> > def create
> > parent = Parent.find(params[:parent_id])
> > child = Child.find(params[:child_id])
> > @record=[:dog])
> > .....
> > end
> > I am getting this error: undefined method `child'
> Not sure what the local variable "child" is doing?  It's not being
> used in the 3rd line.
> I would have expected the code to look like this:
> parent = Parent.find(params[:parent_id])
> child = parent.children.find(params[:child_id])
> @dog =[:dog])
> This way, you're making sure that the child you find really belongs to
> the parent.  Then, you build a new dog for that child's dog
> collection.
> Does this help?
> Jeff
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