On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 2:01 PM, nb <saltyban...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I have this question:
> Suppose I have these 3 models:
> class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
>  has_many :departments
>  has_many :employees
> end
> class Department < ActiveRecord::Base
>  has_many :employees
>  belongs_to :company
> end
> class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
>  belongs_to :company
>  belongs_to :department
> end
> Furthermore, suppose the domain I am modeling requires that I support
> the existence of employees that do not belong to any department
> (otherwise I would declare that Company has_many :employees, :through
> => :departments instead).

Well one way to finesse this might be to have a fictional/notional
catch-all department for each company, like "company staff" which acts
as a placeholder for employes not actually belonging to a 'real'

Rick DeNatale

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