jrgoodner wrote:
> Hey there, I'd like to set up my application so that, upon
> successfully creating a new user (within the users controller), that
> user is automatically logged in.  So this is what I figured might
> work, but it doesn't:
> <within users_controller.rb >
> ---------------------------
> def create
> @user = User.new(params[:user])
> ...
> if @user.save
>   ...
>   redirect_to(:controller => 'sessions', :action => 'create', :login
> => @user.login, :password => @user.password)
> else
>   ...
> end
> -----------------------------
> I get an error to the tone of "non-existent action."

That should work, I think.  Is create defined in SessionsController?

> Any ideas?  Should I post my sessions_controller code?
> Thanks in advance, I hope I've provided enough info.
> Best,
> Jared

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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