Whoops! You're right!

<% form_for :lead,  :url => { :controller => 'channels', :action =>
"lead" }, :html => {:name => 'leadform'} do |f| %>
<%= f.label :origin %><br />
<%= f.select( "associate_id", Associate.find(:all,  :order =>
'associates.lastname ASC',  :conditions => ['deleted=0']).collect {|p|
[ p.to_s, p.id ]}, {:include_blank => ''}) %>

However, if I add in :

<% @lead.associate_id = @Up.associate_id %>

Nothing happens ? Additionally, I try making this statement in te
method of the controller which renders the partial that this view code
is in, again, nothing happens (i.e. it does not select the associate
in the select box)
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