This code below will display "Search Friends" in the text box IF
{:select => 'friend'}  is not there and the ajax call also does not
work.  Any ideas how to get the text and to disaply and have the ajax
call work?

<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :friend, :name,{:select =>
'friend'}, :value => "Search Friends", :onfocus => "if (this.value ==
'Search Friends') {this.value = '';}",:onblur => "if (this.value ==
'') {this.value = 'Search Friends';}",
                                        :after_update_element => 
"function(element,value){" +
remote_function(:url => { :controller => 'followerranking', :action
=> :ajax_add_friend },
                                        :with => "'friend[name]=' + 
element.value") + "}" %>
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