Thanks a lot guys for clarifying this. It worked with the aliases as
you suggested.

Fred, to your last point: sorry about that, you are right. I just made
up the example to show the mechanics, I didn't realize it didn't quite
make any sense.


On Oct 5, 8:37 am, Frederick Cheung <>
> On Oct 5, 12:19 am, PierreW <> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > When I do:
> > temp = User.find(:all,
> >                  :joins => "INNER JOIN contents ON users.agent_id =
> >",
> >                  :select=> ",, users.u_date")
> > temp.first.inspect
> > It seems to work fine, but it only returns:
> > #<User id: 6, u_date: "2009-10-03 19:32:23">
> > but not the information.
> > I don't get it, and I don't know what to do to rectify this. It seems
> > like since I call find on User, it only returns infos related to this
> > model.
> > By the way, when I copy the SQL code generated by Rails directly in my
> > DB, it works fine and returns all 3 fields.
> > Do you have any idea what I am missing?
> attributes are stored in a hash, ie there can be only one attribute
> called id - you need to alias the attribute. Even when you
> do that, inspect won't show the extra value, but temp.first.content_id
> (assuming you alias it as content_id) should return the right id.
> Lastly, what's the point of the hoin to get when you know
> the == users.agent_id ?
> Fred
> > Thanks a lot!
> > Peter
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