i have the exact same problem!
any solution yet?

On Sep 30, 6:03 pm, lathiat <lath...@bur.st> wrote:
> Howdy All,
> I am trying to implement a fairly simple REST controller which I am
> then interfacing with ActiveResource.  The problem I am having is when
> the validation fails, the errors are not being returned to the model
> on the ActiveResource style in a way I can access.
> I am running Rails 2.3.4 on both sides of the application.  The code I
> have in my controller for the 'update' method is as follows:
>   def update
>     @credit_card = CreditCard.find(params[:id])
>     respond_to do |format|
>       if @credit_card.update_attributes(params[:credit_card])
>         flash[:notice] = 'CreditCard was successfully updated.'
>         format.html { redirect_to(@credit_card) }
>         format.xml  { head :ok }
>       else
>         logger.debug(@credit_card.errors.to_xml)
>         format.html { render :action => "edit" }
>         format.xml  { render :xml => @credit_card.errors, :status
> => :unprocessable_entity }
>       end
>     end
>   end
> The most notable part is the "format.xml  { render :xml =>
> @credit_card.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }".
> I checked with the logger.debug the XML is being generated and looks
> reasonable to me.  The XML I am seeing is:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <errors>
>   <error>Card expiry year must be greater than or equal to 9</error>
> </errors>
> I have checked this seems to return OK, what I have noticed is when we
> compare to the ActiveResource documentation, there is no "type=array"
> evident.
> ActiveResource::Base example of an error return:
> <errors type="array"><error>First cannot be empty</error></errors>
> I also found the following bug report;http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/8872
> Which seems to describe this problem (lack of tyoe=array) but has
> stalled and the posted "fix" does not work.
> Additionally I tested this by doing a simple return with the example
> code;
> format.xml  { render :xml => '<errors type="array"><error>First cannot
> be empty</error></errors>', :status => :unprocessable_entity }
> However my object still shows an empty errors array:
> --- &amp;id001 !ruby/object:ActiveResource::Errors
> base: !ruby/object:CreditCard
>   attributes:
>     <cut>
>   errors: *id001
>   prefix_options: {}
> errors: {}
> Was hoping to be pointed to either an example of someone else doing
> this successfully or some more in depth information on what I've done
> wrong.  Either is fine!
> Appreciate your time.
> Best Regards,
> Trent
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