I tried the composite_primary_keys (2.3.2) plugin, with the same
overall result: I cannot insert a row (via Postgres) into a table
without a PK. My model now has this line:
   set_primary_keys :doc_id, :user_id, :view_date, :view_time  #
legacy tbl, include all cols

My insert error is thus:
Mcolumn "doc_id,user_id,view_date,view_time" does not exist
RtransformColumnRef: INSERT INTO "document_ref_access" ("doc_id",
 "view_date", "view_time") VALUES (1, E'W:5:a_name', '2009-10-19',
9 14:52:11.605227') RETURNING "doc_id,user_id,view_date,view_time")

The RETURNING clause seems to be causing the problem.  If I set the PK
to, say, :doc_id (mind you this col is NOT a PK for this table) the
insert works but the doc_id col is set to NULL. Any other suggestions?


On Oct 16, 12:32 pm, Marnen Laibow-Koser <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-
s.net> wrote:
> JeffV wrote:
> > We have 30-40 tables in a legacy db with no PKs. These tables hold
> > various logging events and may be searched by a given day, a given
> > user id, a given event, etc., but not by a particular row id. So there
> > are reasonable reasons to not have PKs on all tables.
> I think you're confusing the concept of a *surrogate* PK with a PK in
> general.  Sure, in the case of your logging tables, it's probably
> reasonable not to have a separate Rails-style id field (surrogate PK).
> But it is advisable -- I'd even say essential -- to find some existing
> field or combination of fields that can be guaranteed unique for each
> record, and to declare them as a (perhaps composite) PK.
> > Unfortunately,
> > AR really like PKs...
> And so it should.  If you don't want a surrogate PK, then declare some
> other field the PK.  The composite_primary_keys plugin may help here. I
> maintain -- and I believe big-name DB gurus would say likewise -- that a
> table without *some* sort of PK is virtually always a Bad Thing, with or
> without Rails. .
> > If I set_primary_key nil I can't do a create (I get an interning empty
> > string error). If I set the PK to an arbitrary integer column then
> > that column is set to NULL (on an insert), despite its value being
> > passed in the attributes hash... I don't yet have a solution.
> See what composite_primary_keys will do for you.
> > Jeff
> > On Sep 16, 6:48 pm, Marnen Laibow-Koser <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-
> Best,
> --
> Marnen Laibow-Koserhttp://www.marnen.org
> mar...@marnen.org
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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