
when I try and add: @users = User.paginate_by_contents(@search.query,

   :total_entries => User.total_hits(@search.query), :page => params

   :per_page => 10)

I get this in the browser:
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating nil.query

Nothing seems to run through it step by step......

On 28 Oct, 20:07, sax <> wrote:
> Ah. The documentation is assuming an ActiveRecord find, not
> acts_as_ferret
> google is your friend?
> On Oct 28, 11:35 am, RubyonRails_newbie <>
> wrote:
> > Hmmm... I must be missing something..
> > here's what I have so far:
> > def search
> >     @title = "Search"
> >     if params[:q]
> >     query = params[:q]
> >     # First find the user hits...
> >       �...@users = User.find_with_ferret(query, :limit => :all)
> >         # ...then the subhits.
> >       infos = Info.find_with_ferret(query, :limit => :all)
> >     # Now combine into one list of distinct users sorted by last
> > name.
> >       hits = infos
> >       @users.concat(hits.collect { |hit| hit.user }).uniq!
> >       # Sort by last name (requires a spec for each user).
> >       @users.each { |user| ||= }
> >       @users = @users.sort_by { |user| }
> >   end
> > At the moment, this returns results, but has no pagination
> > I'm not 100% what i'm meant to add and where, to allow it to paginate
> > properly
> > On 28 Oct, 18:14, sax <> wrote:
> > > You should not need to add anything to your models, unless you want to
> > > change the default number of fetched results per model.
> > > In your controller, instead of doing
> > > @things = Thing.find(:all, :conditions => whatever)
> > > you can do this
> > > @things = Thing.paginate(:page => params[:page], :conditions =>
> > > whatever)
> > > In your view you add
> > > <%= will_paginate @things %>
> > > And it automatically adds the pagination links. If you look at the
> > > HTML output in a browser, you should see the tags and classes used, so
> > > that you can style them.
> > > It may get slightly more complicated if you're including search
> > > strings, sorting or other conditions, but so long as you can get your
> > > params to the controller and into a :condition, it should play nice.
> > > On Oct 28, 10:55 am, RubyonRails_newbie <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > Sorry,
> > > > Has anyone managed to get the willl_paginate plugin to work?
> > > > The git hub site makes no sense, and the example isn't clear enough
> > > > for me to know what im meant to be doing......
> > > > ie: What exactly do I need to put in the user.rb file in models
> > > > What goes in the controller
> > > > and what goes in the view?
> > > > I am new to this and understand sometings, but this isn't too clear
> > > > for a beginner....
> > > > cheers
> > > > On 28 Oct, 15:04, Frederick Cheung <> wrote:
> > > > > On Oct 28, 1:56 pm, RubyonRails_newbie <>
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > Hi there,
> > > > > > I have managed to overcome my search issue, and now I am able to
> > > > > > return users successfully.
> > > > > > I am now trying to paginate the results, so only 10 are displayed on
> > > > > > each page.
> > > > > > The paginate example in the RailsSpace book doesn’t work in my 
> > > > > > version
> > > > > > of rails (2.3.3). So – my question is:
> > > > > > Has anyone had this issue, and if so how was it overcome?
> > > > > pagination was removed from rails in 2.0. Get the will_paginate
> > > > > plugin.
> > > > > Fred
> > > > > > Or
> > > > > > Is there a simpler way to implement this to tidy the results up
> > > > > > Many Thanks
> > > > > > I'm not too hot with Ruby on Rails yet, so if anyone can help, in a
> > > > > > simple explanation kinda way, that would be cool!  :-)
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