How are your routes, I have a similar setup, in your routes you should
have something like

  map.namespace :admin do |admin|
    admin.resources :pages

Then the routes can be looked up in using rake routes - should be
fairly straight forward

Should look like

            admin_pages GET    /admin/pages(.:format)
{:action=>"index", :controller=>"admin/pages"}
                        POST   /admin/pages(.:format)
{:action=>"create", :controller=>"admin/pages"}
         new_admin_page GET    /admin/pages/new(.:format)
{:action=>"new", :controller=>"admin/pages"}
        edit_admin_page GET    /admin/pages/:id/edit(.:format)
{:action=>"edit", :controller=>"admin/pages"}
             admin_page GET    /admin/pages/:id(.:format)
{:action=>"show", :controller=>"admin/pages"}
                        PUT    /admin/pages/:id(.:format)
{:action=>"update", :controller=>"admin/pages"}
                        DELETE /admin/pages/:id(.:format)
{:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"admin/pages"}

-excuse the formatting


Web Developer in Japan

On Nov 20, 10:14 am, Brent <> wrote:
> I'm building a CMS. It works great, but I wanted to make the
> controllers use a sub directory /admin/. So all I did was add admin::
> in front of each controller.
> It works. But since I did that, the only way to show a page is by
> going to:
> /admin/pages/show/1
> admin/pages/1
> If I go to "admin/pages/1" I get this error:
> Unknown action
> No action responded to 1. Actions: create, destroy, edit, index, new,
> show, show_slug, and update


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