On Dec 2, 2009, at 6:20 PM, s.ross wrote:

> The primary difference between -- say -- rSpec and Test::Unit is  
> syntactical. However, the specification of how something "should  
> behave" puts you in a different frame of mind than testing that  
> something *did* behave that way. Consider this:
> it "should have 10 records" do
>   MyModel.create(:amount => 40.50, :tax_rate => 0.10)
>   MyModel.first.tax.should ==(4.50)  # forget, for the moment,  
> floating point inaccuracy

.should == 4.05 # floating point isn't *THAT* bad ;-)

> end
> This is specifying the behavior that a $40.50 purchase taxed at 10%  
> should set a "tax" attribute in the model to $4.50. The Test::Unit  
> alternative is to assert that this happened. E.g.:
> MyModel.create(:amount => 40.50, :tax_rate => 0.10)
> assert_equal(4.50, MyModel.first.tax)
> Ultimately, you are:
> 1) Unit testing
> and
> 2) Doing the exact same thing with somewhat different syntax
> Personally, I read and write the rSpec syntax more naturally than  
> Test::Unit, but it's a matter of taste.
> Now, if you go to Cucumber or Rails Integration testing, you are  
> moving away from unit testing to more end-to-end behavioral testing.  
> My personal opinion is that they are both important for a project of  
> any scale, but writing the scenarios for Cuke first and the unit  
> tests to drive the features out is the most natural way to do it.
> Hope this helps
> On Dec 2, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Christoph Jasinski wrote:
>> Thanks for the replies.
>> I fired that question cause I bought a bunch of BDDCasts from  
>> (bddcasts.com) and the first thing they did when bootstrapping the  
>> application, was to delete the test folder. So that and the first  
>> chapter of the book (mentioned above) got me thinking that bdd  
>> replaces unit testing as it is focusing on behaviour which is in  
>> total contrast to unit tests which focuses on . Sure, you still  
>> could test in both directions but somehow that idea sounded like a  
>> lot of work.
>> --
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Rob Biedenharn          http://agileconsultingllc.com
+1 513-295-4739
Skype:  rob.biedenharn


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