So no one would have interest in this?

About the right tool for the right job. C# instead of Java? Or did you
mean C# instead of the whole RoR app?



On Dec 12, 8:27 pm, Johan De Klerk <> wrote:
> Rather use C# and save yourself a lot of headaches... not that Ruby cant do
> it... just think about the best tool for the job.
> On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Jan Kechel <> wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> > I'm writing mostly company internal software and I am happily using
> > rails for this.
> > This time I need a system that enables the users to modify printable
> > Documents themselves.
> > The old system (over 10 years now, written with Access 97 ;) ) used
> > Word for this and Access to call Word and then print documents. They
> > have something like '#firstname' tags in their documents that are
> > replaced with the dynamic values.
> > So here the question:
> > 1. Is there already some system I could use/modify for this?
> > if not:
> > I'll write one!
> > 1. Where should/could I post this project, as I'd like to see this as
> > free software (already asked, company is fine with this!)
> > 2. Has anyone else interest in using this (i'm not yet asking for
> > developers ;)
> > 3. Any suggestions? My plans are:
> > - writing a Java Applikation, that runs on the clients computer, and
> > will connect to the rails-app, OpenOffice and the printers (configs
> > for individual printers go here) (lets call it document generator and
> > printserver .. dgp?)
> > - I'll config templates with available models-fields in the rails app
> > - I'll trigger Document-generation via the rails-app to the document
> > generator
> > - i'll allow upload of oo-documents in the rails-app, allow config
> > which paper-type / preprint should be used
> > - the rails app creates on print-request some kind of print-job-
> > configuration (like customer-id, template-id and stuff, actually all
> > the data that might be used in the template) and sends it to the dgp
> > - the dgp gets the config and data, downloads the template, replaces
> > the variables and then prints to the printer according to the
> > requested paper-type (specific printer and/or tray)
> > .. yeah, that's some kind of plan :)
> > I anyway need to program this withing the next 2 month, but i'll
> > gladly hear some suggestions, ideas, improvements or alternatives!
> > cu,
> > Jan Kechel
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