Hi !

According to your relationships:  resource :has_many => roles
but you are using pro.roles. It means project should has many
roles.Its totally wrong accordingly.

First fetch all project_resources for a particular project. Eg.

pr_resources = Project.find(1).project_resources

pr_resources will be a array of pr_resources

Now you can fetch any employee(resource) and its role associated with
project id 1.

for eg. for any project_resource:

   resource = pr_resource.resource
   role = pr_resource.role


~ Ankur Gupta
  Company: www.innozon.com, Hyderabad

On Jan 7, 10:54 am, Sven Schleier <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm doing right now my first steps in Ruby on Rails and I've got a
> problem.
> Just some explanation:
> A project can have ressources (like an employee) and this ressource can
> have certain roles (e.g. a team member, or a team leader).
> As you can see in the attachment, I have a Table called
> Projects_Ressources. This Table has three relationships (belongs_to).
> One to Projects, one to Ressources and one to Roles.
> This is my model description for,
> role.rb:
> <code>
> class Role < ActiveRecord::Base
>   has_many :projects_ressources
>   has_many :ressources, :through => :projects_ressources
>   has_many :permissions_roles
>   has_many :permissions, :through => :permissions_roles
> end
> </code>
> project.rb:
> <code>
> class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
>   has_many  :projects_ressources
>   has_many  :ressources, :through => :projects_ressources
> end
> </>
> ressource.rb:
> <code>
> class Ressource < ActiveRecord::Base
>   has_many  :projects_ressources
>   has_many  :projects,  :through => :projects_ressources
>   has_many  :roles,  :through => :projects_ressources
> end
> </code>
> projects_ressources.rb:
> <code>
> class ProjectsRessource < ActiveRecord::Base
>   belongs_to  :ressource
>   belongs_to  :project
>   belongs_to  :role
> end
> </code>
> When I'm now in the console, I can get for example the project with id 1
> >> pro = Project.find(1)
> And can get all the ressources to this certain project:
> >> employee = pro.ressources
> But I want also to know the roles of this ressources. How can I get now
> the roles of the ressources to this project with id 1? This doesn't
> work:
> >> role = pro.roles
> produces this error in the console:
> <code>
> NoMethodError: undefined method `roles' for #<Project:0x4dffdc0>
>         from
> c:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.5/lib/active_record
> /attribute_methods.rb:260:in `method_missing'
>         from (irb):47
>         from :0
> </code>
> Is the design of the relationship wrong or what am I missing?
> Attachments:http://www.ruby-forum.com/attachment/4360/erm.PNG
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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