Philip Hallstrom wrote:
> @owners = Owner.all(:conditions => 'widget_id IS NULL')
> Would do it.  Assuming that it's correct to say that if widget_id is
> null they have no widget -- this wouldn't catch instances where say an
> owner *had* widget, the widget was removed and the owners widget_id
> wasn't set back to null.
> @owners = Owner.all.reject{|o| o.widget.nil? }
> Would also do it.  This has the drawback that the DB is going to
> return *all* the owners and then filter them in ruby.  Won't be as
> speedy as the first option.
> You probably want to add an :order option to whichever one you use to
> get a consistent output.
> -philip

Thanks, Philip!  I've yet to see the Owner.all vs. Owner.find(:all).  Is 
that just a shorthand way of saying the same thing?

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