I am trying to use cucumber but my application has a "Spec" model (I
followed the RailsSpace book).  So now I am getting an error when
running cucumber (below).  I think because cucumber does not like a
model named "Spec."  But I have "Spec" and "spec(s)" everywhere in my
application now.  A universal text change is a huge pain.  Some
innocent text contains the string "spec", e.g. "aspect".  So I have to
look at each replacement.  What can I do?  Please help.  Thanks.

Spec is not a class (TypeError)
active_support/dependencies.rb:158:in `require'
active_support/dependencies.rb:265:in `require_or_load'
active_support/dependencies.rb:224:in `depend_on'
active_support/dependencies.rb:136:in `require_dependency'
414:in `load_application_classes'
413:in `each'
413:in `load_application_classes'
411:in `each'
411:in `load_application_classes'
197:in `process'
113:in `send'
113:in `run'
rb_support/rb_language.rb:124:in `load_code_file'
step_mother.rb:84:in `load_code_file'
step_mother.rb:76:in `load_code_files'
step_mother.rb:75:in `each'
step_mother.rb:75:in `load_code_files'
cli/main.rb:48:in `execute!'
cli/main.rb:20:in `execute'
/opt/local/bin/cucumber:19:in `load'

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