Sorry for the garbled code. Here's a pastie link instead:

On Jan 30, 4:58 pm, Erol Fornoles <> wrote:
> You might want to check out:
> Assuming your models were Person and ZipCode, and ZipCode has a field
> called 'code':
> class Person
>   belongs_to :zip_code
>   validates_presence_of :zip_code, :message => 'Zip Code can't be
> empty or was not found in the list of valid codes.'
> accepts_nested_reference_and_attributes_for :zip_code, :code, :required
> => true
> end
> View:
> form_for @person do |p|
>   p.text_field :name
>   p.fields_for :zip_code |zc|
>     zc.text_field :code
>   end
> end
> Controller:
> person.update_attributes(:person) # Nothing special needs to be done.
> person.zip_code_id will be set depending on the zip code the user
> filled in.
> You can add auto-completion in your view. I'd recommend jQuery
> Autocomplete.
> Hope this helps,
> On Jan 29, 8:16 pm, eugenio <> wrote:
> > one of my model belongs_to another (zip codes).
> > i would like to let the user insert the zip code in a text field
> > instead of the select menu generated by the collection_select.
> > No new zip code should be created and the code should be validated (it
> > should be in the list of valid code).
> > How can this be achieved?

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