When you create a project you can do:

@project = Project.find(params[:id])
@task = Task.create(params[:task])
@project.tasks << @task

or something similar.  this will automatically out the user id I the
project table for you.

On Jan 30, 6:43 am, Souschef <sgalva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here are my models.  I think the issue is how I have the user
> associated with the project.  I recently integrated the authlogic
> plugin and associated the user to the project table (see below).  I'm
> stumped because when I associated 'tasks' to 'projects', the foreign
> key for project was inserted into tasks. But for some reason now that
> I have 'users' associated with projects, the user_id is not inserted
> into the project table on a save when a user is logged in.  Should I
> be associating 'projects' to the 'UserSession' instead (model also
> included below, but currently empty)?  Or do I need to declare some
> sort of logic that saves user_id when a user is actually logged in?
> Thanks in advance for input!
> --------------------Project model--------------------
> class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
>   validates_presence_of :name
> # allow ordering of tasks by step_number
>   has_many :tasks, :dependent => :destroy, :order => 'step_number ASC'
>   accepts_nested_attributes_for :tasks, :reject_if => lambda { |a|
> a.values.all?(&:blank?) }, :allow_destroy => true
>   def task_attributes=(task_attributes)
>     task_attributes.each do |attributes|
>      tasks.build(attributes)
>     end
>   end
>   # Following statements tie Projects to users
>   belongs_to :user
> end
> --------------------User model--------------------
> class User < ActiveRecord::Base
>   # following line commented out.  Came from authlogic, but not sure
>   # what it means…
>   # attr_accessible :username, :email, :password
>   # Added following line from railscast demo.  Note:
>   #http://github.com/binarylogic/authlogic_example
>   # has an optional block for passing other config options, but didn’t
>   # go there for now…
>   acts_as_authentic
>   has_many :projects
> end
> ------------------User Session model---------------
> class UserSession < Authlogic::Session::Base
> end

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