I am new to rails and developed a simple task in an app that runs
every while using crontab. Under previous versions of rails it worked
fine. But, I have upgraded the server, installed rails 2.3.5 as per
rubygems latest and it now breaks the task.

When I run the task I get this error:

Mysql::Error: Table 'cnms.odma_units' doesn't exist: SELECT * FROM
`odma_units`  ORDER BY device_id

The Controller has always had and still has the following item set:

ActiveRecord::Base.set_table_name "odma_unit"
ActiveRecord::Base.set_primary_key "device_id"

It also needs this as the type table is used by the present database,
not quiet a legacy, but lets call it one for ease of understanding:
ActiveRecord::Base.set_inheritance_column :category

The model has this in it which also worked:
establish_connection :cnms

Then obviously the config/database.yml file has this:

 adapter: mysql
 encoding: utf8
 reconnect: false
 database: cnms
 pool: 5
 username: myuser
 password: mypass
 host: thehostaddress
 port: 3306
  socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

It now doesnt seem to allow single table usage. Does anyone know why
as I cant seem to find an answer in google, etc, etc, etc.



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