Sharagoz -- wrote:

I think i am just near to resolve it.. Got the logic to it.. I'll tell 
you how i am doing it.

@month_leaves =
      for i in 1..12
        month          = i
        year           =
        start_date     = Date.parse("#{year}-#{month}-01")
        end_date       = start_date + 1.month

        @month_leaves << Leaves.find(:all, :conditions => [ "employee_id 
= ? and start_date >= ? and end_date < ?", session[:employee].id, 
start_date, end_date ])

Now two confusions:-
1) Am i assigning the value correct to array.. This is correct way .. 
Rit .. Also tried with @month_leaves[i] .. But cant get it to the views 
2) How can we give the different names in a loop.. I mean i do not want 
this @month_leaves alone handle this situations. But it should be like 
.. @month_1, @month_2 etc etc ..

>> Hi Champs, I hope this is not a newbie question.:)
> Its not as bad as last time, but you may still get yelled at, especially 
> since you're posting on a monday
> Leave.sum("DAY(end_date) - DAY(start_date) + 1", :group => 
> "MONTH(start_date)", :conditions => 
> ["YEAR(start_date)=?",the_year_you_want])
> This query will work, but requires that you handle leaves that begins in 
> one month and ends in another by creating one record for each month. 
> This could create new problems because that means you can no longer sum 
> the number of leaves in a given period by simply counting the number of 
> records.

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