Doug wrote:
> A lot has been posted about validation issues with associations,
> however, I don't see this issue addressed specifically.
> ex:
> class Foo
>   has_one :schedule, :dependent => :destroy
>   validates_presence_of :schedule
> class Schedule
>   belongs_to :foo
>   validates_presence_of :foo_id
> this creates a circular dependency that breaks test frameworks like
> pickle and machinist.
> At first I was surprised a little that you can contsruct objects with
> this constraint
> can of course with "new" and "save"
> ...though I it sounds like the destroy will cause a problem.
> is there a workaround for tests?
> or is this a bad idea from the start?

It's a bad idea from the start.  Get rid of the validation on the 
has_one side.

> Nevertheless, It seems to me that while a noble goal -- to validate
> both sides of the assoication.
> How else to do it?

Don't.  It's unnecessary.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
> thanks?

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