On Monday 01 February 2010, Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
> Michael Schuerig wrote:
> [...]
> >> What's the point of helper "polymorphism"?  I'm having trouble
> >> coming up with a good use case for it.
> >
> > format_value, cancel_link are just two examples where generic names
> > are perfectly understandable within a context, although they may
> > need to do different things depending on context.
> Does cancel_link need to do different things depending on context? 
>  If so, what?

Let's say that, in an edit view, you want cancel_link to generate a link 
back to the corresponding list view. But you might want it to do 
something else. At any rate, I want a common name, but possibly 
different concrete functionality.

> >   <%= format_money foo.amount %>
> >   <%= format_money bar.amount %>

> What I would do instead is make foo.amount and bar.amount Money
>  objects (using composed_of if ActiveRecord is involved).  Then
>  define Money#to_s, and the view will simply be
> <%= foo.amount %>
> <%= bar.amount %>
> I don't see any need for a helper here.  Am I missing something?

Assuming foo and bar are model instances, how would you differentiate 
that sometimes you'd like to display only whole units, or even 
"kilobucks" (k$), and at others everything to the last cent. In one case 
with, in another without currency unit. And let's not forget about 
decimal and thousand separators.

These are strictly UI-issues that don't belong in the model. Now, if foo 
and bar were presenter instances, things would look different.


Michael Schuerig

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