I'm not sure I understand your question. Do you need a list of cities
near London that you want to search through? Or you have a problem
with views?


On Feb 1, 11:30 pm, RubyonRails_newbie <craigwest...@googlemail.com>
> Hi All,
> I'm looking to improve finding friends on my site, by adding a
> ''suggestion'' page/area.
> BAsically, a query should be run against a logged in user and find
> other people from the same town/location. Or that share a similar
> hobby etc.
> I have a controller and an index page i want to update this with.
> what I have so far:
> Controller:
>   def thingsincommon
>       �...@users = User.find_by_user_id( @user.id, 1, :limit =>
> 1, :conditions => "location like 'London%'")
>   end
> To be honest, this query would only work for thise people who live
> near somewhere similar to london. Is it possible to amend it further
> to read the user's location (which they add as part of further site
> registration) so then the query is looking for other people nearby
> etc?
> Html.erb:
>                 <% if @user.thingsincommon %>
>         <% end %>
> Thing is, i can't find a tutorial to cover this, so I can see the
> example. The api site is handy for controller stuff, but when I want
> to render results based on the query, I'm finding it difficult..
> Any ideas how to accomplish this?
> Kind Regards

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