pepe wrote:
> On Feb 1, 7:53�am, Marnen Laibow-Koser <> wrote:
>> pepe wrote:
>> > I am sorry but I don't have an answer about the RAM question. However
>> > I would like to answer Marnen s comment. While I agree that letting
>> > the DB do the work for mass record processing should be the best and
>> > most efficient way to go by reading the OP one cannot assume that is
>> > the way things are in this case.
>> No, but it's likely.
> Anything is likely.

Anything is *possible*...but it' to be saving an array 
of unrelated objects.

>> > The array used by the OP could very
>> > well contain tons of different types of objects, used for very
>> > different purposes and not necessarily related to each other.
>> Then for the purpose of saving, they should be separated out by type.
>> Queries don't go in loops. �Period.
> Says who?

Anyone who understands how to use databases efficiently end effectively.

> The point I was making is that it would depend on the
> situation and the solution the OP is trying to give to his particular
> problem.
>> > Pierre
>> > never gave any indication it was one way or the other.
>> True. �So why "correct" me with an unlikely exception to the general
>> principle?
> I wasn't trying to "correct" you. 

Yes, I realized that after I posted.

> I was trying to offer a different
> point of view and have an open mind.

OK, but in this case I don't think it was relevant.

> Cheers.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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