iwars...@stripey.net wrote:
> I am upgrading a 2.1 Rails app and ran into a problem with the new way
> that before_* callbacks are being wrapped in a transaction.
> I have a model that has a before_create callback which charges the
> customers credit card. If the transaction is successful it returns
> true, and if not, false so that the record is not saved. In addition,
> I have a Cclog audit entry that is created regardless if the
> transaction is successful or not. This way I keep an audit trail.
> This worked fine and well until somewhere in the 2.2/2.3 version of
> rails. Now the entire before_create callback is wrapped in a
> transaction which means that my Cclog object gets rolled back if the
> transaction is not successful and returns false. So I cannot keep an
> audit trail of unsuccessful credit card charges.
> Is there a way to temporarily disable the transactional nature or the
> callbacks? The only way I can see getting this to work is moving the
> transaction/Cclog creation logic into a charge!() method, and making
> sure to call that method from my controller after it is already saved.
> Any suggestions?

Perhaps you could use a savepoint.

But check the credit card companies' regulations; I seem to recall that 
keeping a log of unsuccessful charges is prohibited...

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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