Philip Hallstrom wrote:
>> From a migration. I want to initialize a new column called "ident"  
>> with
>> a string equal to "prec-#{id}" - where id is meant to be the id column
>> of the relevant row. This works:
>>    Precinct.update_all("ident = 'prec-' || id ")
>> I am confused about whether that bit of SQL is being parsed by Rails
>> code, or whether it's given to Sqlite, in which case I am writing a
>> database-dependent bit of code.
> I believe it's going to the database, but I haven't verified it.

It would have to be going to the DB, or else || wouldn't have its SQL 
sense of concatenation.

To the OP: if this column is just going to be the id with a constant 
prefix, then you don't need it in the DB!

> Follow the source though to make sure...
> first line of update_all is:
> sql = "UPDATE #{quoted_table_name} SET
> #{sanitize_sql_for_assignment(updates)} "
> So, worth looking at sanatize_sql_for_assignment to see what it might
> be doing.
> -philip

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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