> Are you started script/console in production mode?

Yes, the console is in the same environment as the app.  The app is
running through passenger 2.2.9

> When you look at
> the production database does this field have a value set?

Yes, it's fine in the database,

> Lastly, can
> you provide a code fragment?

In my view:
        <td><%= contact.created_at.to_s(:ymd) %></td>

Which results in:
  ActionView::TemplateError (wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)) on
line... pointing at the line above, because 'created_at' is nil.  I
know this because changing it to

        <td><%= contact.created_at.to_s(:ymd) rescue
contact.created_at.inspect %></td>

results in "nil".

Via console:

[r...@server current]# ./script/console staging
Loading staging environment (Rails 2.3.5)
>> c = Contact.find 368299
=> #<Contact id: 368299, client_id: 12345, first_name: "Matt",
last_name: "Android", is_active: 1, created_at: "2009-11-12 20:47:34",
updated_at: nil, deleted_at: nil>
>> c.created_at
=> Thu, 12 Nov 2009 20:47:34 UTC +00:00

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