abhishek.parolkar wrote:
> Boys,
>    Almost all the time this problem arises because , scope of the
> Authentication module falls under different context , Its always
> better to use fully qualified module names,
>   class User < ActiveRecord::Base
>     include ::Authentication
>     include ::Authentication::ByPassword
>     include ::Authentication::ByCookieToken
>     include ::Authorization::AasmRoles
> This has to work all the time....
> -Abhishek ( github.com/parolkar )
> PS: I faced it while trying Typus,
>>> Typus::Authentication::ByPassword
> NameError: uninitialized constant Typus::Authentication::ByPassword

It didn't work for me.

I had to comment out "config.active_record.observers = :user_observer". 
It may not be the perfect solution, but it saved the day. However, I 
don't know what tomorrow brings :)
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