On Feb 18, 4:31 am, Conrad Taylor <conra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 9:23 PM, Jeff <cohen.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Anybody know if the changes coming to Rails 3 that affect ActiveRecord
> > can be applied to Rails 2.x projects as well?  If it's just the
> > ActiveRecord gem that's changing, then we should be able to use the
> > new ActiveRecord gem with Rails 2 apps, right?
> No, this isn't possible.  Why?  ActiveRecord in Rails 3 is dependent on
> other Rails 3.0 gems.  For example, AR in Rails 3 depends on the
> following gems:
> http://gemcutter.org/gems/activerecord/versions/3.0.0.beta
> As an exercise for yourself, you can use the above to navigate the entire
> dependency graph and it should be clear why your approach wouldn't be a
> good idea.  Furthermore, you can compare the dependency graph for both
> Rails 2.3.5 and Rails 3.0.0 beta:
> http://gemcutter.org/gems/rails/versions/2.3.5
> http://gemcutter.org/gems/rails/versions/3.0.0.beta

Interesting, thanks for the links.  ActiveRecord 3.0 depends on Arel,
ActiveModel, and ActiveSupport.  The only common dependency I see is
ActiveSupport.  If I could get a Rails 2.3.5 app to bind to
ActiveSupport ">= 2.3.5", instead of exactly equal to 2.3.5, then
perhaps it might work.  Except, that I don't know if there are
breaking changes in ActiveSupport 3.0 that break Rails 2.3.5 apps
(there probably are).

I guess I just wish the new ActiveRecord/ActiveSupport functionality
could have been added to Rails 2.x, and we could have a new version
like Rails 2.4, rather than only being available with Rails 3.0.

Thanks again,

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