+1, hit this nail right on today :(

On Feb 25, 7:27 pm, Stuart Corbishley <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> I am aware that date selects params are supposed to supported by
> Searchlogic.
> But I'm battling to get them working.
> I am using one of the named_scopes that it makes, and it works perfectly
> in the console:
> User.created_at_gte(1.year.ago)
> this behaves as expected.
> In my view I have this:
> - form_for @search do |f|
>   Surname
>   =f.text_field :surname_like
>   Age between
>   =f.text_field :age_gte
>   =f.text_field :age_lte
>   Joined after
>   =f.date_select :created_at_gte
>   =f.submit "Search"
> the error I get is when actually using the field, I get this error:
> The  is not a valid condition. You may only use conditions that map to a
> named scope
> and the params are:
> {"commit"=>"Search",
>  "search"=>{"created_at_gte(1i)"=>"2011",
>  "created_at_gte(2i)"=>"2",
>  "created_at_gte(3i)"=>"25",
>  "age_gte"=>"5",
>  "order"=>"",
>  "surname_like"=>"",
>  "age_lte"=>"25"}}
> Now unless I'm wrong, searchlogic should be able to parse the params
> with their date groups. Or it's just being stupid and thinking
> "created_at_gte(1i)" is a named scope. In which case I'm going to have
> to alter the params to make it friendly for searchlogic.
> anythink I'm missing?
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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