On 28 February 2010 10:36, Manish Belsare <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
>  <% if logged_in? and post.match?(post.id) %>
>          <%= $n = post.id %>
>          <%= link_to "Answer this Query!",
>          :controller => "answers",
>          :action => "new",
>          :idd => post.id %>
> Hello sir,
>   In the example given above, i am calling a new method to answer the
> query submitted by the user for the "idd" ie. according to the "id" of
> the question.
> Bt i cant get this id in the answer_controller which i want..

You have posted an apparently very complex set of questions with a lot
of code.  I think you might do better to try and simplify the problem
as much as possible and ask just one question at a time.  I will
attempt to answer the simple question asked above.  As you have coded
it above then the value post.id should be available in params[:idd].
If it is not there then have a look in development.log and you will
see the parameters sent from the browser.


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