
On Mar 7, 4:02 am, Michael Pavling <> wrote:
> On 7 March 2010 00:26, ObjectEvolution <> wrote:
> >                <% c.thing2.each do |be| %>
> >                        <tr>
> >                                <td>
> >                                       <%=h be.workout_type %></td>
> >                                       <%=h %>
> >                                </td>
> >                        </tr>
> >                <% end %>
> > I get:
> > undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass
> > I'm assuming this means there is no Thing3 object for this particular
> > Thing2 object.
> you're quite correct - there's no "thing3" linked to a given "thing 2".
> If there *supposed* to be an associated object there, then something's
> gone wrong when you've created your objects, but if it's a case that
> there may or may not be a Thing3, then a simple "guard" would suffice.
> <%=h if be.thing3 %>

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