On 9 March 2010 13:30, Christophe Decaux <christophe.dec...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks,
> That's a good start.
> Any advice where to start looking for how to make a helper method ?

I'd recommend Agile Web Development with Rails (Pragmatic Programmers book).
 I looked online but couldn't see a lot that was easy to learn from.

Basically a helper method is a method that is available in your views and
(can be) used for generating markup that would be repetitive otherwise.

For example you could have something this:

module ApplicationHelper
  def christophe_link_action(image_filename)
    link_to_remote (image_tag(image_filename, :size=>"16x16"),


 :before=>"Effect.Fade(this.parentNode.parentNode, {duration:

 Effect.BlindUp(this.parentNode.parentNode, {duration: 0.5})")


Then in your view just do:

<%= christophe_link_action("foo.png") %>
<%= christophe_link_action("bar.png") %>

Does that make things any clearer?  If not, I'd recommend the book I
mentioned earlier (or post back with questions).



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