I have a model called Stock.rb. I created an additional action, called
dispense, in the controller so that I could render two different views
based on the type of data entry being done. The "new" action is used
for "adding stock" and the "dispense" action is used for "dispensing

They are very similar, but use different form partials to remove
fields that could potentially cause confusion. Both actions use the
"create" action when submitted.

Stock.rb contains
validates_presence_of :medicine_id, :route_id

stocks_controller.rb contains

  def create
    @stock = Stock.new(params[:stock])
    @routes = Route.find(:all, :capitalize, :order => :name)
    @medicines = Medicine.find(:all, :capitalize, :order => :name)
    if @stock.save
      flash[:notice] = "Success | Sucesso | Éxito | Réussi"
      flash[:error] = "You must select a medicine and a route."
      #render :action => 'new'

Each of the form partials contains
<%= f.error_messages %>
so that validation errors are shown at the top of the form if the user
fails to select a medicine or a route.

The problem I'm having is that the validation error messages are only
shown when using render.
render :action => 'new' shows the error messages, but if the user
comes to this from the "dispense" action, they are returned to the
form for the "new" action, which is used for a different purpose.

I changed the code to redirect_to(:back), which returns the user to
the proper form, but doesn't show the validation error message -- only
the flash[:error] message that I inserted.

How do I either:
1) Detect which action/view/template sent the user to the create
action, so that I can conditionally return them to the proper action
using render?


2) Use redirect_to(:back) and still show the validation errors?

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