I'm doing a Web Service Based on a page I found
(http://blog.complitech.net/web-services-basics-ruby-on-rails/) using
the rails version 2.3.4, the web service is already working, but when
working on a version Previous:

RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2 .0.2 'unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION

I can not run the service.

On the previous page, there's a part that says:

3) Next step is to add the gem to the conf / environment.rb so that is
knows the correct gem actionwebservice

   config.gem 'dougbarth-actionwebservice',: lib => 'actionwebservice'

But if I do it, I can not run the service, the program sends this

C:/Users/usuario/Desktop/Servidor/test/config/environment.rb:26: private
method `gem' called for #<Rails::Configuration:0x5c5dbcc>

On this page:
is as follows:

# OLD open_id_authentication plugin init.rb require 'Yadis' require
'openid' ActionController:: Base.send: include OpenIdAuthentication

# NEW config.gem "ruby-openid",: lib => "openid",: version => "1.1.4"
config.gem "ruby-Yadis",: lib => "Yadis",: version => " 0.3.4 "

But I do not like change, please, I need help.

Thanks and regards.
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