Last night, Ed from the B'more on Rails meetup group gave me the key
idea: use ActiveRecord::Observer.  So I'm working on doing that.  If
you post any details about how to do that before I figure it out from
the documentation,  I'd appreciate any such feedback.

On Apr 6, 3:47 pm, RichardOnRails
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve got an app\views\expenses\new.html.erb file displayed 
> at
> Q1: Lines 22-26, repeated here create a drop-down list of “vendor
> names” in true Ajax fashion: they push all lower-positioned items
> south to make room for the vendor names being created. I’d rather
> cover the lower items while the drop-down is visible, and restore the
> covered item when the drop-down closes.
> 22:     <div id="vendor_droplist" style="display:none">
> 23:       <%= select_tag "list",
> 24:         options_for_select(@current_vendors),
> 25:         :multiple => true %>
> 26:     </div>
> I tried to modify line 25 to:
> 25:         :multiple => true, :z-index => 2  %>
> but that and other forms yielded syntax-error responses.
> Q2:. I generated the content of @current_vendors with code in line 14:
> 14:    <% @current_vendors = Vendor.find(:all).collect { |vendor|
> vendor.nickname } %>
> I’d like to each current_vendors item to be a button whose:
> (i)     toString method was invoked by options_for_select for presentation
> purposes; and
> (ii)    onClick method invoke a specified function that:
>     a.  copied the nickname in the drop-down to another text-box; and
>     b.  invoked the toggle routine on the drop-down structure (the
> toggling currently works).
> I poked around in books and online for an example of this kind of
> thing,  but to no avail thus far.  Any suggestions on where to look or
> how to implement this functionality.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Richard

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