On Apr 11, 2010, at 4:15 AM, ChaosKnight wrote:
> On Apr 11, 3:43 am, steve ross <cwdi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 10, 2010, at 9:32 AM, ChaosKnight wrote:
>>> Hi, I am still very new to Ruby on Rails, but I'm busy with my first
>>> RoR website, everything went well, until I realized that my images
>>> didn't preload... On previous websites I used a simple JavaScript
>>> preloader that seemed to work very well:
>>>    function preloadImages() {
>>>      if (document.images) {
>>>        var imgFiles = preloadImages.arguments;
>>>        var preloadArray = new Array();
>>>        for (var i=0; i < imgFiles.length; i++) {
>>>          preloadArray[i] = new Image;
>>>          preloadArray[i].src = imgFiles[i];
>>>       }
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>> And I called it from within the HTML:
>>>    <body onload="preloadImages('/images/home.png',....etc....)
>>> This is how I called the image rollover in the Rails code:
>>>    <%= link_to(image_tag('home.png', :mouseover=>"home_ro.png"), '/',
>>> {:controller=>'home', :action=>'index'}) %>
>>> Can anyone please tell me why this didn't work? I also heard that
>>> Prototype has it's own built-in image preloader, is this true?
>>> Thanks I really appreciate your help!
>> You'll want to take the onload out of the body tag and do something like 
>> this in your application.js file:
>> document.observe("dom:loaded", function()
>> {
>>   preloadImages('/images/home.png',....etc....);}
>> );
> That still doesn't work in Firefox... What about caching? Won't that
> help?
> Or perhaps and alternative solution that works better?

You haven't really said what "doesn't work" means. What have you done to 
determine that there is a problem?

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