I have set up the following relationships Rails 2.3.5 and on update I
am finding that orphaned records are generated. Are my relationships
wrong or is there a recommended way to manage these orphaned records
on an update. Code is detailed below:

class User

has_many :management_assignments, :foreign_key => :manager_id
has_many :listings, :through => :management_assignments

class ManagementAssignment < ActiveRecord::Base

attr_accessible :manager_id, :id, :listing_id, :assignor_id, :status,
             :assignment_date,     :completed_date
  belongs_to :manager, :class_name => 'User'
  belongs_to :assignor, :class_name => 'User'
  belongs_to :listing

class Listing
  has_one :management_assignment, :dependent
=> :destroy
  has_many :managers, :through => :management_assignments, :source
=> :user

accepts_nested_attributes_for :management_assignment, :allow_destroy
=> true

My update controller action is a bulk update which uses a nested form
to change the manager on the relationship as follows:

 def update_multiple
    @listings = Listing.find(params[:listing_ids])
    @listings.each do |listing|
      listing.last_updated_by = current_user
      listing.update_attributes!(params[:listing].reject { |k,v|
v.blank? })
    flash[:notice] = "Updated listings!"
    redirect_to admin_listings_path

As a noob any help or feedback as to how to eliminate these orphaned
records would be much appreciated.



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