[Please quote when replying.]

Grary Stimon wrote:
> Marnen,
> Here is the expression of a representative model association in my
> project:
> Parent ... has_one :dependent
> Dependent ... belongs_to :parent
> Here is my complementing route:
> map.resources :parents, :has_one => [:dependent, :dependent_2, ...

Why the :dependent_2 ?  That doesn't match your associations above.

And do you really want has_one?  It has legitimate uses, but n most 
cases, you should combine the two models instead of using has_one .

> Here is a change I'd lately made to a _form.html.erb partial in views/
> children to make things (kind of) work:
> <% form_for([:parent, @child], :url => { :action=>:create }) do |f| %>
> Man, I'm vexed!

Perhaps if you were to answer the question I asked, I could help you 

Perhaps if you could say what you had already tried, and how it failed, 
we could help you better.

But with the information you are providing, and your failure to answer 
questions intended to gather additional information about the problem, 
it is nearly impossible to help.

> I feel like I need to understand how form_for must be adapted for use
> with nested resources.
> Grar

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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