Dhruva Sagar wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> m_id = Materials.first(:conditions => "name == 'cardboard'")
> Deck.all(:joins => 'inner join cards on cards.deck_id = cards.id',
> :conditions => ["(cards.name = 'Ace' OR cards.name = 'King') AND
> cards.material_id=?", m_id])
> How about that ?

I don't think that would work since it would get all decks that have 
kings OR aces, where I want both to be there.

But apart from that in my real-world example there is actually 30,000 or 
so different materials that are acceptable, so loading all of those out 
of the database into ruby-land would take longer than iterating through 
each deck individually using

Card.ace.cardboard.count > 0 and Card.king.cardboard.count > 0

where ace and cardboard are simple named_scopes using joins and 

Thanks for the continued assistance,
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