Ar Chron wrote:
> Ravi Dtv wrote:
>>  def grouplist
>> @currentgroupid=Group.find_by_group_name(params[:group_name])
>> @currentgroupfriends=GroupFriend.find_all_by_user_id_and_group_id(,@currentgroupid)
>>  format.html {redirect_to :back}
>>  end
> What does the log tell you is nil? current_user or @currentgroupid?
> a. You're assuming that @currentgroupid will always have a value, which 
> may be okay depending on the source of params[:group_name], which we 
> don't know.
> b. What is populating current_user?  Is that the source of the nil 
> error?

Thanks for your reply

 def showfriendslist


 respond_to do |format|
  format.html {render :partial => "friendlist" }


This is my controller. My current_user is the current logged in user.
I can get the groupid value into @currentgroupid.

When I tried in console

>> @currentgroupid=Group.find_by_group_name('testinggroup')
=> #<Group id: 23, created_at: "2010-05-17 14:00:13", updated_at: 
"2010-05-17 14:00:13", user_id: 9, group_name: "testinggroup">
=> 23
>> @friendsingroup=GroupFriend.find_all_by_user_id_and_group_id('9',
>>  )
=> [#<GroupFriend id: 15, created_at: "2010-05-19 04:36:21", updated_at: 
"2010-05-19 04:36:21", group_id: 23, friend_id: 4, user_id: 9>]
(irb):42: warning: Object#id will be deprecated; use Object#object_id
=> -618448038
>> @friendsingroup.group_id
NoMethodError: undefined method `group_id' for #<Array:0xb64676b4>
  from (irb):43

In view I get the following error

 RuntimeError in UsersController#showfriendslist

Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted 
the id of nil, use object_id

Please help.. Im new to Ruby on Rails.

Thank you.

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