On May 20, 2010, at 5:45 PM, Matt Royer wrote:

Rob Biedenharn wrote:

Hi Rob,

Thanks for the quick response!

I'm sorry, I'm still relatively new at this Rails stuff. I have gone
through a couple of books, but it's hard to tie it all together. :)

When you put the following:

  :id => order.id

Where should I enter that? Within the link_to_remote somewhere?

Yes, right where I put it:

        <td><%= link_to_remote "Show", :url => {:controller =>
'orders', :action => 'show',

 :id => order.id

}, :update => "order_div", :method => 'get'

Also, I would like to know the following. Not sure where I would enter
that path in the link_to_remote:

But you could also use a named route for the url.  Something like

Thanks again! I need all the help I can get. :)

<td><%= link_to_remote("Show", :url => order_path(order),
                       :update => "order_div",
                       :method => 'get') %></td>


Rob Biedenharn

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