Hi, I missed on line in the second block of code:

def update_user_points_and_votes_count(vote, factor)
     content_clazz = Kernel.const_get(vote.voteable_type)
     content = content_clazz.fin(vode.voteable_id)

      content.vote_count +=1*factor

Thank you

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 12:47 AM, Jonhy Pear <jonhy.p...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have the following model that uses the plugin act_as_voteable:
> class Video < ActiveRecord::Base
>   belongs_to :user
>   acts_as_voteable
>   acts_as_commentable
>   attr_accessible :url, :title, :description, :vote_count
>   validates_presence_of :url, :title, :description
> ...
> end
> I also have an observer for Vote model, so each time a user cast a vote to
> a video, or other content, I will update some info, including the vote_count
> on video model or other content. The code that runs each time a vote is
> created is:
> def update_user_points_and_votes_count(vote, factor)
>      content_clazz = Kernel.const_get(vote.voteable_type)
>       content.vote_count +=1*factor
>       content.save!
>       ...
>       ...
> end
> Basically, I will update vote_count when a vote is casted to a video, or
> other kind of content that act_as_voteable.
> The problem is that the instruction content.save! raises a validation
> exception on :url (in the list of validates_presence_of). I think that it
> will fail also on the other attributes in the list of validates_presence_of.
> What I'm missing?
> thank you,
> Jp

João Miguel Pereira
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joaomiguelpereira
(351) 96 275 68 58

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