FrankMurphy wrote:
> Thanks everyone for your replies.
> Okay, so this is interesting. When I try deploying the app to the
> domain root, I can't see the "Welcome aboard!" page; instead, I see
> the index.html page that's in Apache's web root directory. Also, when
> I try http://<server_addr>/users, I see a directory listing of the
> (.erb) files that are in the demo_app/app/views/users. Does this mean
> that Passenger is not set up correctly?


For your own sanity, set up Rails on your local box and don't worry 
about the remote server yet.

> I don't know if it matters, but the server I'm using doesn't have a
> domain name; I'm accessing it using its IP address.

Shouldn't matter.

> On May 21, 7:47�pm, Frederick Cheung <>

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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